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Qinbei Power Plant, China(Mini Oil Ignition and Combustion Stabilization Project)

Unit 3 and Unit 4 were put into commercial operation in Nov. And Dec. 2007 respectively after 168 hours full load operation. The oil consumption for each unit was no more than 200 tons by using MOIS and created a new record of low oil consumption during the commissioning among 600MW lean coal fired units in China.

Boiler model DG1900/25.4-II1, supercritical, wall firing with swirl burners
Number & Capacity of Unit 2×600MW
Boiler supplier Dongfang Boiler Company
Type of coal Lean coal
Pulverizing system Direct-fired type with double inlet & double outlet ball mill
Installing position A level on front wall at bottom, 4 mini oil ignition burners
Capacity of each mini oil burner 180~220kg/h

Post time: May-10-2023