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Yantai Longyuan’s plasma ignition and combustion stabilization technology successfully ignited lignite of high-moisture without fuel oil support

Over the years, Yantai Longyuan has been deeply engaged in the plasma ignition technology for coal-fired boilers, and developed key technology to improve the flexibility of units burning lignite of high-moisture in response to the demand for the construction of oil-free power plants and flexible operation. The technology has been successfully applied on 2x660MW units of Shenhua Shengli Power Plant burning lignite of Mt 38.6%, and has realized oil-free cold start-up and stable combustion at all load operation, therefore the world’s first oil-free power plant burning lignite of high moisture was built.This technology helps the unit burning lignite of high moisture to participate in deep peak load regulation, providing convenience for wind, light and other new energy to connect to the grid

Post time: Aug-17-2020